[CAUT] Requirements for contributing/posting

Ron Poire rpoire at comcast.net
Thu Jul 10 20:09:28 MDT 2008

Right on! Ed.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ed Sutton 
  To: College and University Technicians 
  Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2008 7:46 PM
  Subject: Re: [CAUT] Requirements for contributing/posting


  1) Pianotech at ptg.org was originally created by the College and University Technicians group as a way to discuss their issues and problems.
  It became very popular and heavily used, so the CAUTs decided to give Pianotech to the world at large, and to move their discussions to a new list serve, CAUT. When people cross-post every thought to both lists, it defeats the purpose of CAUT, which is to serve a dedicated community in a concise manner.

  2) As you know, piano technology is not a regulated profession in the USA, and many people take advantage of this to cheat the public with lousy work. PTG is based on the premise that we can become a voluntary self-regulating profession. Our most difficult problem is motivating less accomplished technicians to attain and demonstrate basic skills. "Why should I when all my customers know I'm competent?" "Why should I bother when somebody as great as So-and-So (everybody knows he's great) doesn't bother?" 

  By demonstrating willingness to be tested for basic competency, you motivate your younger colleagues to take competency seriously.

  3) Jumping through hoops? Do you think the exam skills are hoop jumping? They look to me like the basic skills we use every day to do professional work. Did your dentist jump through hoops...or perhaps take some exams to show basic knowledge of dentistry?

  I hope you'll join us and contribute some of your skills and knowledge to the work of building and maintaining this wonderful craft.

  Ed Sutton (RPT)
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Kendall Ross Bean 
    To: 'College and University Technicians' 
    Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2008 8:18 PM
    Subject: Re: [CAUT] Requirements for contributing/posting

    Dear Chris:


    Must I join your club, and jump through all the hoops (RPT requalification), and become a bona fide CAUT, (and stay away from purely technical discussions!) in order to have anything of value to contribute?

    Or can I by this point be considered to have achieved some degree of stature in the technical and musical communities, in spite of the apparent absence of such prima facie endorsements?  (i.e. - haven't I done enough already?)

    (On the CAUT info page it says that CAUT is a "community service", and also that it is an "open list, allowing anyone to subscribe or submit posts." Did I somehow misunderstand?)

    Can't I just be a guest for now?

    (It's okay, if my contributions are not pleasing or wanted I can go somewhere else... ...sniff... ;-)  )

    ~Kendall Ross Bean

    e-mail: kenbean at pianofinders.com

    Connecting Pianos and People

    "The reward for jumping through hoops is... ...more hoops".

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