[CAUT] Tuning Pin Questions, self adhesive nameboard felt

Kendall Ross Bean kenbean at pacbell.net
Tue Jul 8 18:13:12 MDT 2008

A 4 year old Steinway M? Self stick nameboard felt? Were those the original
factory bushing in the keybuttons?
Or had it been previously rebushed.....? 
Or were there two kinds of felt on the keybutton?
(Its just hard to believe keys would have been rebushed within the first
four years...
(Either confused, or incredulous, or perhaps, both~)
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e-mail: kenbean at pianofinders.com
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Connecting Pianos and People

You asked how many still use self stick nameboard felt.  This summer I
rebushed the front and balance rail bushings on a 4-year old Steinway M
and while the guide pin bushings were traditional, the felt on the key
buttons was clearly self-stick felt!  It was the exact same stuff as the
nameboard felt.  Fortunately it came off well - the sticky stuff stuck
to the felt not the button - but I had certainly never seen that before!


David M. Porritt, RPT

dporritt at  <https://www.moypiano.com/resources/#archives> smu.edu

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