[CAUT] Correction on salary for U of Georgia position

scott.thile at murraystate.edu scott.thile at murraystate.edu
Wed Jul 2 22:08:56 MDT 2008

Hello folks,
The salary range for this position is higher than
what was found on the website and posted to the list.
I would encourage those that are interested in the
position to contact Dr. Davis directly.
Dr. Davis, sorry for any confusion caused by the
erroneous report of the salary range. Hopefully this
will help clear it up.

Hope you find a great technician for the position.
Yours in pianos, Scott, 
Murray State University
-----Original Message-----
From: William Davis [mailto:wddavis at uga.edu] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2008 3:47 PM
To: Scott E. Thile; shawnbruce at sbcglobal.net; shawn bruce
Cc: Richard Zimdars
Subject: Fwd: Piano Tech opening at U of Georgia

Mr. Thile and Mr. Bruce, one of our senior piano
faculty members has informed me that an unfortunate
and false statement is circulating on the PTG/CAUT
listserve(s). The incorrect statement is that the
salary for our piano technician position is specified
at a low level ....
Our vacancy notice states that the salary is
"commensurate with training and experience." It is
not specified beyond that. Our university system does
stipulate minimums and maximums for every staff
position on campus, but it gives us a extremely broad
range of flexibility, far more so than the erroneous
statement indicates.

Prospective applicants for our position are
encouraged to contact me at wddavis at uga.edu or
telephone 706-542-3737 if they have any questions. 

Sincerely, William Davis

Scott E. Thile
Piano/Instrument Technician
Dept. of Music, Murray State University
504 Fine Arts Building, Murray, KY 42071
Office Phone: 270-809-4396 

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