[CAUT] caut Digest, Vol 1090, Issue 3

Ric Brekne ricbrek at broadpark.no
Wed Sep 20 10:51:40 MDT 2006

Like everyone else who's in the game does.  There is a degree of 
politics involved. Part of the CAUT environment is to be an 
administrator IMHO.  I get the feeling that perhaps many if not most of 
us could benefit significantly from a good solid increase in our 
administrative and ...er... horsetrading skills... if you get my meaning.

After nearly 10 years at it... I feel like I'm just starting to get the 
hang of it.  Probably not so difficult to understand really... I got 
into the buisness to tune pianers... not sit in departmental budget 
meetings.  But then on the other hand... if I can help to provide for a 
better piano park to begin with ... well in a sense thats tuning too... 
in a sense that is... :)


Hi Jim,

How does one exactly push the door open farther once it is in?

And to all,  Thanks for such a great response to my questions.  It is
helping out already!  The Music Director will return from an out-of-town
trip Thursday, so I am getting prepared!

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