[CAUT] caut Digest, Vol 1090, Issue 3

Willem Blees wblees at bama.ua.edu
Tue Sep 19 13:01:05 MDT 2006

Quoting Jim Busby <jim_busby at byu.edu>:

> Right on Chris! Wim, you absolutely need to get a budget - some kind
> of
> budget, then once your foot is in the door push to increase it. Use
> other institutions as examples (without whining). 
> Jim Busby BYU 

Believe me, I've tried. I had a meeting with the department chair this 
summer, and he promised I would get one. But so far, nothing. I've 
made a list of repairs that need to be done right now. I've made a 
list of all the pianos with their current values, and replacement 
costs. He was impressed. But still no budget. 

I keep the pianos going using my own tools, equipment and supplies. 
Once in a while I can buy some small parts that a desperately needed. 
But for the most parts, I have to made do with what I can, using my 
own supplies. 

There is some hope, in that the state is having a banner year in tax 
collections. Maybe it will loosen up some money for the music 
department. But there are so many needs at this university, that the 
chances of getting anything for pianos is very slim. 

So I just keep plugging away, and in 5 years I'll retire, and let the 
next guy worry about it. 

Willem Blees, RPT
Piano Tuner/Technician
School of Music
University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, AL USA

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