SAMA Information?

Horace Greeley
Fri Dec 22 21:45 MST 2000

Hi, Brent,

Thank you very much for this input.

There is a real need for this kind of service for a good many 
institutions.  It certainly is not realistic to try to run a shop of that 
size and complexity for those kinds of prices in the U.S..  Some form of 
reasonably competent restoration has got to be at least somewhat attractive 
for places with limited budgets, particularly given the relative quality of 
the new piano shaped objects being pushed out the doors of so many 
new-making plants.

Best regards.


At 10:08 AM 12/22/00 -0700, you wrote:
>Dear Avery and List,
>   This company has sent a number of instruments to the Phoenix dealer that
>I am associated with. The Steinway dealer here has a vested interested
>in the Sama company and thus I am becoming involved in a consulting
>capacity as our interest in their work expands into higher end products.
>  The rebuilding facility is impressive, efficient and well laid out, my
>general observation is the company has the potential to do higher end work
>as the skill sets for the employees grow. The soundboard repairs are
>fairly clean and the shimming work is usually excellent. Pinblock
>installations are consistent and stringing work is acceptable. The issues
>I have with the quality of action, damper, trapwork assemblies, are
>part of a second tier of quality I would like to see introduced. At this
>time soundboard replacement and major bridge work are not available, in
>time they hope to move in that direction. Refinishing has improved vastly
>over the past year and considering the price it is amazing how much you get,
>however, for a university situation there are components I would like
>to see in place before they extend themselves much further into that
>market, operations like bridge recapping are mostly a training issue
>which would not necessarily increase the price greatly since the labor cost
>there is low. For schools with limited funding this company would be
>a definate consideration for low-cost, acceptable quality work.
>Please feel free to write to me if anyone would like more information.
>Brent Fischer
>Senior Piano Technician
>Arizona State University


Horace Greeley, 			email:	
Systems Analyst/Engineer		voice:	650.725.9062
Controller's Office			fax:	650.725.8014
Stanford University
651 Serra St., RM 100, MC 6215
Stanford, CA 94305-6215


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