David Ilvedson, RPT
Mon Dec 4 18:03 MST 2000


I believe you said you tried moving the action in and out?  It maybe you
need to hang those hammers in a bit?

David I.

-----Original Message-----
From: Fred Sturm <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, December 04, 2000 11:27 AM
Subject: Re: THUD

> Have you tried playing the offending notes at various levels of force
>with a finger firmly on the string to damp it? Then play adjacent,
>non-offending notes the same way. This should isolate action sound
>(including keyframe), leaving strings and soundboard assembly out of the
>equation. If there is a significant difference in action sound between
>offending and non-offending notes, it should be fairly obvious. It
>should also be possible to hear with more acuity just what the
>difference is (slap, click, etc.), a help in diagnosis. If there isn't a
>difference with strings totally (almost) damped, then you start looking
>more at soundboard/plate/frame, etc.
> Glad it's you, not me.
>Fred Sturm
>University of New Mexico

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