Kent Swafford
Sun Dec 3 16:39 MST 2000

on 12/2/00 7:26 PM, John D. Chapman at wrote:

> None of this has changed the THUD.
> What have I missed?
> Why these four consecutive notes  with no sign of the problem above or
> below them? 

It is a very impressive list of places you have looked into. I'm sure you
have already done this, but your list doesn't specifically mention it...

Like Chuck Burbach used to say, the first step is to tighten all the screws.
The second step is to make sure all the screws are tight.

Have you tightened the screws holding the stack to the keyframe -- and for
that matter tightened every other screw you can find in, around, and under
the action box?

Kent Swafford

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