[pianotech] Using multifunction tool for grand damper felt removal?

Ron Nossaman rnossaman at cox.net
Sun Sep 4 16:42:36 MDT 2011

On 9/4/2011 2:34 PM, David Porritt wrote:

> I just did a damper job last month and steamed them off with my Walmart
> water heating pot and it worked quite well and pretty fast.

I tried wet felts and an iron back when the earth was young, but nothing 
steam related since. I recall it being a pain, though not as miserable 
as key end felts. It;s a new century now, so things might have changed.

>Also no danger
> of removing wood of the damper head from getting overly aggressive with the
> chisel.

Yep, that's why the scraper. It's WAY more controllable than a chisel.
Ron N

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