[pianotech] pianotech Digest, Vol 29, Issue 48

David Andersen david at davidandersenpianos.com
Wed Mar 9 23:15:59 MST 2011

Let me try to explain; and I'm sorry you're seething with anger; I felt your post had a tone of condescension and judgement; I pointed it out. I've asked everyone involved to play nice and treat each other as they want to be treated; I completely agree that personal invective is wrong no matter what the point is; I personally asked one of the most egregious posters to cool out. Only two or three out of two dozen posters crossed a line. 

The rest, including me, were feeling sucker-punched and disrespected, and were reacting as cooly as we could, because something----dare I say it---sacred to us, a big part of our lives, was being changed and "messed with" with virtually no input from the stakeholders---us. For you to say that makes me a complainer, and to lump me with the isolated personal attacks, is just wrong. I've been nothing but straight, honest, and respectful here, even when I disagree violently with someone. 

I'm not preaching to you; I'm respectfully holding up a mirror, as a colleague, so you can take in the feedback and perhaps raise your game. I expect you to do the same. That's kind of the fragile, almost magical spirit of the list I don't want to see lost. We're having an almost real-time discussion, and other people don't have to navigate through a bunch of other stuff---URLs---to listen in and comment, again in close to real time. I like that. I've not experienced that kind of immediacy on other web-based forums I've frequented. 

Dude, we KNOW the "powers that be" are us---our treasured colleagues, doing largely unpaid, unreimbursed great work. We are not dissing them. Don't assume that; that's condescension when you assume that, brother. I donate countless hundreds of hours every year to three main non-profit organizations; through teaching, mentoring, and exhibiting, PTG is one of them, and I love it and am grateful for it. Sorry, but there's no hypocrisy here. You have rarely, if ever, heard a scathing or intemperate remark come from my keyboard; certainly not in the current thread. 

There's a difference between strong disagreement and personal attack; I have left a message with Alan G.; he's a colleague and has recently become a friend. As I said before today, I have nothing but respect for him. 

I AM  sorry I upset you, but never sorry about what I stand for, and what I say here. 

Unless I make an obvious ass of myself, then I will take full responsibility and mea culpa from here to eternity. Does this make sense to you, Mr. Stein? 


David Andersen

On Mar 9, 2011, at 8:14 PM, Israel Stein wrote:

> David,
> I am wondering where you were with your "collegial, respectful and affectionate" remarks when all the complainers went after the "powers that be" -  who have been working very hard for us - with rather scathing and intemperate remarks. Why didn't you preach to them about "collegiality and affection"? Oh, the hypocrisy! Our "friends" drove Allen Gilreath into a rather despairing state of mind - and now you dare preach to me about being "collegial, respectful and affectionate". In case you haven't noticed, I am seething with anger...
> Israel Stein
> On 3/9/2011 8:03 PM, pianotech-request at ptg.org wrote:
>> On Mar 9, 2011, at 7:24 PM, Mike Spalding wrote:
>>> > Well, it was a long and somewhat annoyingly condescending journey
>> Agreed. Wow is right. Israel, your information may be spot on, but the atmosphere, the context of your delivery is really off-putting to other human beings. Which, as you may have noticed, are important to have collegial and respectful and affectionate, even, relationships with. 
>>> > but we finally, in the last paragraph, got to the meat of the matter. By all means, lets have some preparation, explanation, tutorials, and help.
>> Communication, empathy, thoughtfulness as well. Treat me like you want to be treated, folks.
>>> > 
>>> > On 3/9/2011 8:36 PM, Israel Stein wrote:
>>>> >> 
>>>> >> There is one thing for which I will fault the PTG administration with regard to this rollout. Much greater efforts should have been made to prepare the membership for it in terms of explaining exactly what is happening and why and offering tutorials in how to operate in this new environment. I suspect that had this been done, the change would not be so traumatic. Change is difficult, and people need to be prepared for it. It is not too late - an internal PR campaign needs to be launched explaining all these changes andn offering members help in adapting to them.
>> Agree 100% Excellent clarity. Good job.
>>>> >> 
>>>> >> I am posting this to both CAUT-L and Pianotech, and through bioth modes - e-mail and web-based. Let's see what happens...
>> Indeed....let's see.
>>>> >> 
>>>> >> Israel Stein
>> DA

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