[pianotech] Re; Allan's respnse

Joseph Garrett joegarrett at earthlink.net
Wed Mar 9 14:52:07 MST 2011

You have attributed the following to me. I did not post that!
As for the inability to get on the New Website, I have typed in my membe number and all. It will not accept it! Why? I have no idea! It coud be my computer, or it could be the connecton OR it might be Trolls for all I know. I am not a 'puter person! I am a 'puter dufus. Please allow me that. K?<G> I do try my utmost to navigate the various aspects of all of this, ....alas to no avail.
Regards, Joe
Here's your post:
 ? The email mailing list is always CURRENT. It is the conversation going on
> in the room at any one time. In a real room full of people, we can come
> in, and join in the discussion of any little group of persons that sounds
> interesting to us. For a time, we might leave the room, closing the door
> behind us. But then we an come back in and rejoin, with a quick listen to
> everything that's going on, before homing in our our preferred
> conversation. ?


So is the new format, extremely current.
And you can receive whatever you want.
All you have to do is subscribe to the areas of your interest.

But, of course, if you can't even manage to enter
a user name (which is your member number)
and a password which is I assume is the same
for all the Piano Technicians Guild members.
(I shall send you this in a private email),
then you have other issues.

Keith McGavern

Joe Garrett, R.P.T.
Captain of the Tool Police
Squares R I
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