[pianotech] Journal Nomenclature List

John R. Granholm jtuner at qwestoffice.net
Tue Nov 16 13:48:48 MST 2010

In response to a couple requests, here's the current Journal nomenclature list, along with the text I sent to David Porritt:

The major issue we faced doing this list was the large number of compound words in piano nomenclature, and how to deal with them where there is no established standard.  Then we decided that if there's any medium that should work toward establishing that standard, it would be an "official" technical publication such as the Journal.
I remember editing one article and seeing keybed, key-bed, and key bed, all used within a a few paragraphs.  Let off, let-off, and letoff also appear at times from a single author.  That's what did it for me.  Had to get things under control.
Editorial staff uses the list, and we provide it to authors who send us queries about articles.  You are welcome to share if it proves useful to you.

John Granholm

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