[pianotech] Overdamper

david at piano.plus.com david at piano.plus.com
Tue Nov 16 07:54:01 MST 2010

You don't have to remove the overdampers to get to the action.  The whole
action, including dampers, should just lift out.

Whether the whole action including dampers and damper rail, will fit an
action cradle, depends rather on the design of the action cradle.

If you do decide that you prefer to remove the damper rail and dampers -
and it might make the job of repairing/replacing serveral hammers easier -
it's easily done.  Onece you have removed the two end screws, you should
be able to just lift the rail and dampers gently away and set them
carefully down out of the way. (Occasionally there is a little curved
bracket connecting damper rail to hammer rest rail, from which also a
screw must be removed).  If you grip the damper lift rail end with your
left hand while lifting away, you will keep the whole assembly more
effectively toogether and make it easier to deal with.

For putting it back, do the same in reverse, and gently lift each damper
wire at the bottom into its hole.

Let us know how it goes!

Best regards,

David Boyce.

>I will also be repairing several hammers on an overdamper soon.  My
>question is this:

>I will obviously have to remove the overdampers to get to the action, so
>will the overdamper mechanism fit in an action cradle?

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