[pianotech] Medical costs (OT!)

David Andersen david at davidandersenpianos.com
Tue Nov 2 17:52:48 MDT 2010

On Nov 2, 2010, at 4:41 PM, William Truitt wrote:

> And these war profiteers give vast sums of money to our congressmen in both parties.

BINGO. You win the fur-lined bathtub. The vast majority of our elected officials are bought and paid for due to the endless barrels of untraceable cash that are allowed to flood our electoral system. And now any corporation anywhere has the same right to give in an unlimited manner as a private citizen, thanks to the latest Supreme Court. Mmmmm. I smell and sense the end of the gravy train right around the corner, kids.
Buckle down, buckle up. This here system is broken in every possible sense...what a challenge for the planet. Hopefully that "darkest before the dawn" stuff has some shred of truth to it.... 

"When it comes to real and practical character content, crunch time (certainly the present moment qualifies) reveals all. Just watch how people act in crisis."

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