replying to posts (radical vertical piano soft pedal regulation)

Kerry kkean at
Mon Mar 31 18:25:06 MST 2008

I have a request/suggestion for this list. I try to keep up with the posts,
but occasionally miss a message, and it sure seems as if some never make it
to my box, so when I get a message like this with no history, it's a mystery
that I either have to ignore or spend time searching for. I remember seeing
someone complain about the inclusion of all previous messages in the thread
but if the new message is added ON TOP OF the history (versus burying it at
the bottom), it's easy to read just the new post and ignore the past stuff
if it's unneeded. This is pretty standard stuff for listserves like this.
Anyone else feel the same?

Kerry Kean

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Jackson [mailto:scottwaynejackson at] 
Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2008 7:02 PM
To: Pianotech List
Subject: Re: radical vertical piano soft pedal regulation

I am often asked to "fix" the soft pedal because it doesn't work. So yes,
your idea would be useful, but i bet that you then get people asking you to
stop the keys from dropping when they use the pedal!

Scott Jackson

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