breaking loops

John Delacour JD at
Mon Mar 31 03:34:35 MST 2008

At 06:51 +0100 31/3/08, Richard Brekne wrote:

>Well, mine certainly look like the ones Ron pictured.  And they do 
>all break not actually whilst I am tuning the individual strings.... 
>but after I have left them and moved on.  And a good deal afterwards 
>as well.  Some over nite as another post mentioned... some a half 
>hour or so after being pulled up to pitch.

That is definitely what will happen if the tension is too high.  A 
couple of years ago I made a set of strings and by a costly oversight 
had used the lengths from a shorter piano and not fed in the proper 
lengths, with the result that most of the strings in the set were too 
tight.  The customer phoned to say one or two had broken and then 
phoned the next day to say more had snapped overnight.  Eventually a 
lot more would have broken.  I made a replacement set using the 
proper lengths and was most apologetic -- but I lost the customer! 
I've since taken steps to make sure I can't make that mistake again.

Are you quite sure the tensions are within the limits?


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