Math/Physics Problem: degrees of rotation of tuning pin = how muchpitch change

kurt baxter fortefile at
Sat Mar 29 13:24:58 MST 2008

 *I would wonder, why, with all the variables, would you be interested?*
> *It can obviously be done, but to what end?*
Fair question.
 Anyone up for a tirade about science for it's own sake? No? Oh well.

Seriously though, I am working on a theory of the reality of the
relationship of tension in the various
string segments. To me, the best way to figure out what is going on start
simple, and slowly add
on variables. Without a know foundation, everything else is just speculating
in a vacuum.

Where I may differ from others that are talking about this is that I feel
the variables are manageable
if taken one at a time.

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