Performance enhancements for Anaheim

erwinspiano at erwinspiano at
Sat Mar 29 11:59:36 MST 2008

?We are putting the piece back with an inlay of mahogany between the severed pieces... very artsy craftsy. Dennis's idea. Hard to execute though.? Don't' ask.
? We though about a small pictorial mural of some kind but that's probably just dreaming.? The lacquer may still be wet when it hits the convention site.
?What's next? you ask....
?Hey whatever works
? Dale

HOLY HANNA! Someone willing to?limit the size of?a piano soundboard to the shape of the piano rim! What is the cause of this? What's going on? What's next - limiting bass string length to something that sounds good rather than what?looks good in the brochure?


Whatcha gonna put in the triangle? I vote for a velvet Elvis!? ;-)


Terry Farrell

----- Original Message ----- 

?Just a sneak peak at the? 1927 Steinway B (hot rod) Dennis & I are supping up for the Anaheim convention.?

? Dale

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