Dressing Wild Strings

Joe And Penny Goss imatunr at srvinet.com
Sat Mar 29 08:46:52 MST 2008

Hi Matthew,
Early on, when I first started tuning, I was tapping the strings with my trusty railroad spike and 16 pound sledge;
Well that is what it sounded like to the customer. She said "What are you doing to my piano"?
I said "Gulp" stammered and answer.
That was the last tapping for me.
Now I use a noisless tool that massages the string towards the bearing point of the bridge pin.
I try to not push totally against the bridge but mostly against the bridge pin and against the bridge.
The tool will not eliminate all false beats, as there are other reasons for false beats other than loose bridge pins.
But if there is an improvment in the sound of the ringing string, and 90% of the time there is,
it is well worth the time to use this tool as one tunes as well as seating new piano wire.
The tool is the same on both ends and can also be used to level the strings in a grand from inside the action cavity.
I consider it one of my voicing tools, as when the strings are pressed lightly with this tool the fundimental of the pitch is usually much stronger. At least that is what my SATlll and its red lights show me <G>
Joe Goss RPT
Mother Goose Tools
imatunr at srvinet.com
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Matthew Todd 
  To: Pianotech List 
  Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2008 7:05 AM
  Subject: Re: Dressing Wild Strings

  Can you name the other approaches please?  And what do you mean by destructive?


  Richard Brekne <ricb at pianostemmer.no> wrote:
    Dont :) There are several other approaches that are less destructive 
    and have better long term results. And remember... you will never get 
    rid of them all.


    Can someone tell me where I can get a brass rod used for supressing
    beats, or how I can make one?


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