"pin set", test blows, string segment tension balance: Reality Check?

erwinspiano at aol.com erwinspiano at aol.com
Sat Mar 29 07:37:07 MST 2008

Ok Kurt now your talking high tech.? Trust the Force Luke...this hammer will teach you?as much ?about moving pins?as this entire discussion. Bob Davis has a slick technique for moving the pitch and barely moving the string.? Bob.? Can you talk him thru this?? Your desrcption will be better than mine
?Dale Erwin

? Cheers.? Happy tuning.

-----Original Message-----
From: kurt baxter <fortefile at gmail.com>
To: Pianotech List <pianotech at ptg.org>
Sent: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 7:09 pm
Subject: Re: "pin set", test blows, string segment tension balance: Reality Check?


Lol! So true.

I think I would qualify as a "jerk" style tuner, although I will say my
movement has gotten more more smooth and economical since I got
my Fujan tuner lever. The pin feel is dramatic- it's much easier to
be sure that the pin just moved.


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