CA it is

daniel carlton hacicspe at
Tue Mar 25 18:02:15 MST 2008

thanks for the comments everyone

"Have you thought about a C/A treatment, instead of new pins?"

yes. i decided that would be the best route after seeing the piano again. it
had been a year since i last looked at the piano and i failed to take notes
on the condition the first time around. it's a 1926 Vose and Sons small
grand. i think it had been refurbished when the owner bought it in the 70's.
it just looks like it was probably a light refurbish job, if you know what i
mean. strings corroded, cracked bridges and soundboard, loose tuning pins,
with a handful of oversized pins sprinkled in to make it look nice. the
action looks and feels rough: keys need bushing, hammers deeply grooved,

just doesn't look and feel like a piano that was rebuilt or even
well-refurbished in the 70's.

i told her i'd hate to see her pay for new pins with the rest of the piano
in the shape it is.

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