more trouble than it's worth (was tune, chip with oversized pins?)

William R. Monroe pianotech at
Mon Mar 24 19:35:30 MST 2008

Hi Daniel,

Comments below:


  I don't get the question exactly.  Are you replacing tuning pins without restringing?  The whole set?

  yes, the whole set, without restringing.

  I have a hard time understanding wanting to do this procedure.  As some other folks suggested, if the block is bad, and the client REFUSES to restring with a new block, CA the block and call it good.  Results are typically good so far as restoring some torque.  If the ENTIRE block is bad, though, replace it, including strings, pins, dampers, attend to any deficiencies in the board, bridges, etc.  IMO, it's penny wise and pound foolish to go through the whole procedure of replacing all the pins without also doing strings, AND block and dampers.   


  these are the jobs that are frustrating to me, because it's always "well if you're going to do this, you might as well do that, and if you're going to do that, then you might as well do this." i think it's the stress of not knowing how much to estimate.



  See, these are the jobs I love.  Here you are presented with an opportunity to rebuild (or sub out a rebuild of) at least the belly on this piano.  What more does one want for?!?!  Here is where you educate your client as to what they have, what the options are and what they can expect in terms of results from any of those operations.

  The thing of it is, if you just repin with oversize, you may be doing CA in year or two or five, or whatever.  All you know is that the block is failing, you don't know why.  And, you have no guarantees how long repinning will last.  Something to consider anyway.

  Good luck,
  William R. Monroe
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