splaying hammers on Kawai console

wjstuner at juno.com wjstuner at juno.com
Sun Mar 23 15:19:50 MST 2008

Tom,  I have not seen this on pianos of the last 20 years, but mostly on Aeolians or Baldwins.  Whatever the cause, I have had great success in applying med CA glue carefully with an super thin palat knife.  Then squeezing with vise-grips to close and spray with the activator.  Hope this helps.

Bill Schlipf
Bloomington, IL

-- Tom Sivak <tvaktvak at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

I recently purchased (for resale) a Kawai console,
model number unknown.  The piano had two hammers on
which  the felt had come loose from the moulding and I
replaced them.   

Looking at the piano more closely, I can see that
there are another dozen hammers that have just started
to come loose.   And by that I mean that if you look
REAL closely, you can see that the very tip of the
felt, farthest from the strike point is not quite
flush with the wood.  You could fit a razor blade
under the edge of the felt on these hammers whereas
the remaining ones are completely flush with the
moulding.  (All the hammers have staples.)

Since I am reselling this piano, and I like to include
a warranty with all my piano sales, I'm wondering your
collective opinion on this situation.  Will these
hammers follow their fallen brothers and open up like
a butterfly in time?     

What causes this to happen anyway?  Heat? 
Moisture/water?  This piano did indeed have a little
water damage, but it seemed confined to the far bass
end of the cabinet.  No signs of water inside the
piano, and furthermore, the hammers that separated
were on the keys G6 and G#6, far from where the water

If the adverse conditions that led to the hammers
failing are no longer present, can I have any
confidence in these hammers remaining viable for any
length of time?  

Would it be prudent to apply  a little glue to these
hammers in hopes of reinforcing their bond with the


Thanks in advance, 
Tom Sivak
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