Yamaha jack

Steve Blasyak atuneforyou at hotmail.com
Sat Mar 22 12:50:39 MST 2008

Hey Now,
Greg thanks for the tip. I checked the pinning on both the whippen flange and the Hammer flange, and as I said if anything they were a bit too loose. Two to three grams instead of 3 to 4. I suppose it could have been a plating issue or a burr, something like that. When I checked with a gram gauge and found them to be loose, I moved on to other potential causes. As for the possibility of the jack catching or hanging up on the let off rail. I don't think this was the case. As I said in the original post, one of the things I tried after giving it a little more lost motion was increasing the key dip. This was because the jack was not even completely coming out from under the hammer but. It is my understanding that ideally you should get about 1mm clearence. It is also my experience that most Yamaha's when new are not regulated this way. I have supposed that Yamaha is trying to compensate for wear in the piano. When the felt punching settle a bit there will be some escapement? So if the jack is not even completely escaping form under the hammer butt, I can't see how there could be interference from the let off rail.
Again please keep in mind I always learn from others diagnostic thought process, and my post was in response to Terry Peterson's original post on this topic. So his specimen could have had all or none of these issues. I had just read his post and thought of my recent experience. One other thing I observed while searching for answers I left out of my original post. The felt on the damper lever showed no signs of unusual wear. Had no snags or rough spots. I laid on my back under looking up with a flash light too see if it was possible the spoon was somehow catching and hanging up on the felt glued to the damper lever...no luck. The damper lift was regulated as Yamaha recommends (pedal lift = to sharps). I wonder if by decreasing the lift with the pedal a bit this would have changed anything?
Steve Blasyak
Orange County Chapter
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