Hot water heating

Farrell mfarrel2 at
Sat Mar 22 03:14:07 MST 2008

My guess is that hot water heat is less damaging to a nearby piano than forced air heat. I owned a home with hot water heat and one with forced air and am quite familiar with both systems. But even if I am correct, it's only a matter of degree. IMHO, it is NOT "ok" to put a piano hear a forced air vent OR a hot water radiator - do so risks severe damage to any piano.

If s/he elects to do so, I hope s/he has lots of butter, 'cause s/he's going to have lots of toast!

Terry Farrell
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  I have often cautioned clients to not have their piano next to their home heating system.  Many say that it is "ok" because they have hot-water heating. Does hot-water heating lessen the damage as opposed to forced air heating?  In our area we have a good seven months that the heat is on in our houses. 

  > Because hot water heat also has a radiant componet my experience is that it
  > is even harder on pianos than forced air. 
  > Don Rose
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