Birdcage pitch

David Boyce David at
Fri Mar 21 13:03:17 MST 2008

Holly, as far as I know the only Irish piano manufacturer there ever was, 
was Rippen, who made the plantic "Lindner" piano you describe.  The sad 
thing is that the little Lindner pianos sounded OK, for their size. But you 
just cant really repair the keys or action.

I have tuned birdcages a MAJOR third flat, to A440.  You need to assess the 
overall condition carefully. Any rust on strings?  You could try raising all 
the Cs and see how the strings and pins feel across the compass.

If a big pitch raise is to be attempted, I can't see the point of going, 
say, three quarters of the way, rather than all the way. Either raise it to 
A440, or leave it alone!  (I'm not speaking here of very old grands which 
may have been made for a lower pitch, of course).

I'm afraid the Irish birdcage doesn't sound very great, mind you.

Let us know how things go!

Best wishes,


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