String Info Please

Jon Page jonpage at
Wed Mar 19 11:28:16 MST 2008

If the other string of the unison is there mic the core and wrap.

Measure hitch pin to a point in line with it's mate's wrap.
Measure the length of the mate's wrap.

Now to order a string which will ultimately pull to those specs
and align well in the string series:
Subtract 1/8" from the hitch pin to start of wrap length.
Subtract 1/4" from the length of wrap length.

If replacing a missing single string, measure to points aligned
with it's neighbors. Masking tape placed across the gap at the
ends of the wrap indexes well.

Specify to the string maker to make the string 'to these specs'
so they won't do something similar to accommodate the stretch
factor and your replacement will be way off. damhik.


Jon Page

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