Yamaha jack question

Joe And Penny Goss imatunr at srvinet.com
Wed Mar 19 07:43:05 MST 2008

Does the problem go away when the soft pedal induces a little more lost motion?
Joe Goss RPT
Mother Goose Tools
imatunr at srvinet.com
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: pianolover 88 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 3:42 PM
  Subject: Yamaha jack question

  Customer owns a yamaha console, only about 11 years old with minimal use. Got a call that some keys were sticking. Upon inspection I confirmed quickly that the problem was *not* in the keys, but the jacks. Turns out that many of the jacks (plastic) are having trouble resetting back under the hammer butts for some reason. This happens whether the damper is depressed or not, when repeating the same notes at a reasonable speed, but less than trill.  

  A check of the action determined that the regulation is correct, the centers are not tight, the hammer butt buckskin is not worn at all, and the jack springs are not the problem. I also noted that the top of the jacks have sufficient slickness/graphite. So what could be the source of this problem? The backchecks are also properly regulated. Should I try spraying McLube on the tops of the jack, then brushing on some powdered teflon? Could it be that the jacks being plastic could be part of the problem? 

  Terry Peterson

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