for those on the fence about hearing protection..

Phil Bondi phil at
Wed Mar 19 03:21:39 MST 2008

David Ilvedson wrote:
> not a question a're pounding too hard.
David, I am going to disagree. My level of tuning might be a 
little lower or a little higher than the 84db that was 
recorded yesterday, but I do not feel that 114db for a test 
blow is out of least it hasn't been so far in my 
career. I realize we learn things everyday if we're paying 
attention, and seeing that meter at 84db for an average was 
a real eye-opener..and maybe the 114 is a bit much, but 
that's what was recorded.

  I don't argue with tape.

  I am no expert with SPL's or db's, but I know I want to 
protect my hearing as much as I can, and 84db for what I 
call a 'medium' volume is simply alot of volume..and it's 
really not that least to me.

Like your unison post, if someone finds it helpful..

-Phil Bondi(Fl)

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