Chinese keyslip

Delwin D Fandrich fandrich at
Tue Mar 18 10:37:56 MST 2008


| -----Original Message-----
| From: pianotech-bounces at 
| [mailto:pianotech-bounces at] On Behalf Of Alan Barnard
| Sent: March 17, 2008 7:56 PM
| To: pianotech at
| Subject: RE: Chinese keyslip
| Is this a grand or an upright? My guess is that your keyslip 
| is actually not glued to the bed (that'd be weird) but is 
| attached to the cheekblocks. Can you remove them and see?
| Alan Barnard
| Salem, MO

Yes, it would be weird but it wouldn't surprise me at all. And they would not be
the first to do this. Astin-Weight used to be built this way. Don't know whether
or not this is still a feature.


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