A remedy for Verdigris

ricb at pianostemmer.no ricb at pianostemmer.no
Sun Mar 16 11:49:41 MST 2008


Been reading these posts and have a question. If one removes the
bushings, and clean out the birdseye, rebushes and repins using
centers that do not include any bronze, copper, or brass... then why
would verdigris re-occure.

Verdigris is Copper acetate yes ?.... kind of precepts the presence
of copper and acid. In our useage the copper is present in many forms
of centerpins and the acid can come from humidity in the air... or
perhaps some so called lubricants that have been in use.

I would think a quick dip in some kind of base, followed by a sealing
of the wood in perhaps a thinned out shellack would neutralize any
acidity in the wood... and then using centers that dont have any
copper in their metal would do the trick.


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