Bechstein spring & loop AND bridle tape

David Boyce David at
Sat Mar 15 12:13:51 MST 2008

Nipping off spring and loop! Cutting off fly dampers! Well, that's all just 
vandalism!  I mean to say!

Now that I know what the spring a loop is for in this type of action, I find 
the idea most interesting and it would be great to try a sensitive 
regulation and see how the action feels.

Best regards,


In message <p0624080cc3ffc9c77eb7@[]>, John Delacour
<JD at> writes
>. Unfortunately most technicians never do properly regulate either type of
>action.  We had a tuner/repairer locally who would simply nip off all the
>springs and loops when he repaired these actions!

And often they cut off the Fly dampers as well,  most annoying


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