key trimming bit

Paul Chick tune4u at
Sat Mar 15 06:17:19 MST 2008





I had the same problem which I finally solved by heating the keytops before
I notch them.  I came to believe that the keytops are too brittle.  


I put the keys under a lamp with my Dampp Chaser digital temperature and
humidity gauge laying on top of them.  When they are about 80 degrees I
start notching, and I move the key past the router bit VERY slowly. Using
this method I have had absolutely no chipping.


David Weiss



I am using a Spurlock style set up to trim my keytops and am having trouble
with the plastic chipping out on the notch cutting station. I am using a 1/2
inch spiral carbide up cut bit from McMaster Carr (27395A31). Is there a
better router bit I can be using here? 




I switched vendors for keytops (with fronts).  The ones I buy from Pianotek
do not chip when notching, routing, or filing.  The notching is done on the
table saw with the Frued 10" "Rip to Glue Line" blade.I think its #P410.  


Paul C

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