Bechstein Spring & Loop AND Bridle Tape action

david at david at
Fri Mar 14 06:00:52 MST 2008

Marc and John, thanks for the additional information.

The number, which I don't have in front of me, put it at late 1891 or
early 1892 according to the Musicians Piano Atlas, but I know the Atlas is
not reliable at all times.  There is an 8 cast into the plate.  On my
original visual inspection when I first tuned it last year I thought it
was early 1900s.  The  action just has Schwander stamped on it - but they
may not have gotten around to replacing the Schwander stamp with
Herrburger-Schwander, I guess!

Last year I did a little regulation and refaced the hammers.  The owner is
elderly and at some point he is giving the piano to his grand-daughter.
The piano really would benefit from a complete regulation in due course,
but it plays OK.

John, I'm sending you a s/covered string off it to get a new one please!

Best regards,


"If it's a model 8 then it's later than 1892 and more likely about
1905.  Before that it was the model III and before that it had no
style letter cast in the plate".

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