a good reason to pack dental floss

Phil Bondi phil at philbondi.com
Thu Mar 13 16:23:06 MST 2008

Hi all.

Came in contact with a 10-year old baby grand that hasn't 
been used in 7 years - sitting rotting away in a beach hotel 
not far from here. It was brought to my attention that a 
'child prodigy' will be staying at the hotel, and he must 
practice 3 hrs. every day. I'm all for that!

Anyway, this one comes equipped with whippen-assist, and 
wouldn't you know, 3 of them are broken, and 1 of the 3 is 
missing its string entirely. The other 2 were half-attached, 
and that's an easy fix. - but what to do with this whippen 
with the missing string?

Well - it worked....a bread tie. I put it on A0, but it 
didn't make any difference. It felt the same as the rest.

Thought I'd share,

-Phil Bondi(Fl)

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