broken plate

Michael Magness IFixPianos at
Wed Mar 12 18:47:29 MST 2008

On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 12:44 PM, Donald Pitter <creekside41 at>

> Dear sirs,
> How do I repair a broken plate?
> Don PItter
>  ____________________________________________________________________________________
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Hi Donald,

I believe, IMHO the answer is YOU don't repair a broken plate. Judging from
my own experience and those I know well unless it's an important piano, to
somebody, a customer, the world at large etc. The best thing to do is to
walk away, quickly.
If you already have some considerable funds tied up in it then you might
consider the lock n stitch recommended by  the others. I do know welding,
even by a very good welder, seldom works. I happen to live in an area where
we have a plethora of welders because it's taught at the local Technical
College for the AC manufacturer that has their main production plant here.
So we have a lot of knowledge and talent to draw on all of the welded plates
I ppersonally know of have failed, usually right next to where they'd been
welded within 2 or 3 years.

Life is like a ten speed bicycle. Most of us have gears we never use.
Charles M.Schulz

Michael Magness
Magness Piano Service
email mike at
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