Bass Bridge Position-upright

Delwin D Fandrich fandrich at
Tue Mar 11 12:21:26 MST 2008


| -----Original Message-----
| From: pianotech-bounces at 
| [mailto:pianotech-bounces at] On Behalf Of Greg Newell
| Sent: March 11, 2008 5:42 AM
| To: 'Pianotech List'
| Subject: RE: Bass Bridge Position-upright
| Fenton,
| That's some nice looking work. Probably better than the old 
| upright deserved. I'm curious. Why did you go for THAT MUCH 
| backscale. 

Because one way to learn about these things is to carry a concept to it's
illogical extreme. It's the same way I started out when I was learning about
these things. On old uprights (mostly) that I pushed to, and beyond, their
limits. Things didn't always work and sometimes I ended up either doing them
over or tossing them out. Once I'd exhausted 

Books, magazine articles and papers--even classes--based on someone else's
research can only take you so far. From then on you really have to wade in there
and get your own hands dirty. 


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