Bass Bridge Position

David Love davidlovepianos at
Mon Mar 10 09:21:14 MST 2008

I'll look at that again.  At the moment I have the transition 27 - 32 with
32 at 850mm and 27 at 975 (F33 is 935).  A#2 (note 26) is at 896 and A0 is
1320.  As I mentioned, I could move the bass bridge a bit more forward and
gain maybe 15 or 20 mm of backscale length.  Putting the transition up to
note 32 definitely gets the bottom of the tenor bridge away from the bottom
of the bass bridge. 

The overall tension on this piano is about 37000lbs and I've tried to keep
it down there as it's an older O without the cross strut between the tenor
and bass long struts (on the plate).  Not sure if that's a factor but plate
failure is something I don't care to think about.  I've smoothed it out but
kept the plain wire tensions in the mid 150s drifting only slightly higher
at the upper end.  

David Love
davidlovepianos at

-----Original Message-----
From: pianotech-bounces at [mailto:pianotech-bounces at] On Behalf
Of Ron Nossaman
Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2008 8:37 PM
To: Pianotech List
Subject: Re: Bass Bridge Position

> Looking at it again I could actually move it up fairly easily without any
> plate grinding since there is a bit of room from where A0 crosses and the
> end of the bridge.  My scale experiments suggest that this scale looks a
> better with 12 or 13 monochords in the bass instead of 10.  I'd be curious
> to know how many notes on your transition and what the speaking lengths at
> the beginning and end were.  
> David Love

I left the monochords at ten, and ended up with an A-0 length 
of 1308mm, and transition lengths of 987 at B-2. and 932 at 
D-3. Four notes. It worked real pretty in the spreadsheet, and 
the bridge placement and lengths sound (so far) like I won't 
need any mass loading or even voicing to smooth the 
transition. It's very smooth right out of the box, and I don't 
even have the hammers squared up and strings mated to them 
yet. I seem to have come pretty close.

Ron N

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