Steinway model Z weak bass

David Boyce David at
Sat Mar 8 05:30:23 MST 2008

Last week I had a call from a local retired music teacher, who I had as 
class music teacher when I started high school back in 1971. He is active in 
musical circles locally, but has never been my client simply due to having 
stayed with the father-and-son team (now son only) that he used for years.

He wasn't too happy wiuth the tuning that was done a couple of months ago, 
and wanted me to come instead, which I did.  His piano is a Steinway Model Z 
from 1971 and oddly, it's the first Steinway Z I have tuned since I started 
in 1984.  I have to say I wasn't phenomenally impressed. It's nice enough 
and all that, but not superlative in any way.   The top lid is hinged from 
the left hand end, a thing I've seen before - I guess it was meant to impart 
the impression of opening a grand lid.  But in what I feel is a design flaw, 
the hinge pin must be removed to take off the lid for tuning, and it has to 
be withdrawn from the back, which means pulling the piano out from the wall.

Anyway, what I'd like opinions on is this:  The bass sounds soft and weak, 
almost (but not as bad) as if the bass bridge was detached.  Time simply ran 
out for investigating this, as I had done some key easing and he had to go 
out.  When I commented on the bass, he agreed and said it had always sounded 
like that.  I would like to go back and have a proper look at the bridge etc 
at some point.  But does anyone know if there is any particular feature or 
problem with the Z?

I see a dealer is selling one of the same age for around $20,000 which seems 
to me far too much. You could buy a beautiful new Feurich form not much 
more.  But I guess they will get their price because of the name.

Best regards,


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