OT A tuner's last day ...

Avery Todd ptuner1 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 7 18:13:16 MST 2008

And you posted this why??????????

On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 5:18 PM, Alan Barnard <pianotuner at embarqmail.com>

>  From *Dresden (Tennessee) Enterprise Newspaper*
> June 30, 1905
> *We are informed that the worst tragedy ever committed in Fulton was
> perpetrated there last Saturday evening at about eight o'clock. The
> circumstances are about these: Messrs. SPINK and WALTERS, brothers-in-law,
> the former a freight train conductor, the latter a piano tuner, were living
> in the same house. It seems best of feelings had not prevailed for a year or
> more. On Mr. WALTERS' return from Paducah, Saturday evening, he found a
> horse had been turned into the yard to graze, had gotten into the garden and
> mutilated it. WALTERS became enraged and opened fire on SPINK, who was
> sitting on the side of the bed holding a two weeks old babe that was then
> dying. SPINK, who was mortally wounded, laid the baby down and crawled to
> his pistol and while WALTERS continued shooting him, got his pistol and shot
> WALTERS through the heart, killing him almost instantly. SPINK died about
> midnight, and the baby died also during the night. So on Sunday, the
> husband, brother and child of Mrs. SPINKS were corpses in the same building.
> *
> Moral: Piano tuners should always be straight shooters; you might want to
> practice ...
> Alan Barnard
> Salem, MO
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