2 or 4 big upright plate lag bolts wanted, will pay $$$!!!

Prof. Euphonious Thump lclgcnp at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 7 10:39:11 MST 2008

  A LOT of CA was used on this Ivers and Pond a couple
of years before the customer decided to have it
rebuilt, and the big plate lag bolts at the upper end
of the plate got "glued in" so tightly, that they BENT
when unscrewing them!!!
 ( Let that be a  warning to y'all!!! ) 
  I'm now, therefore, looking for at least 2 of these:
1/2" diameter shank, and 5" length from underside of
head to tip, preferably with a nice domed top and in
good nickel-plated condition. ( So I don't have to
have them replated )
     4, though, from the same piano, would be better,
so I know they all match.
     What I'm willing to pay will depend on condition.
 ( And how nice you are. )  


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