RE; Car sign Pro/Con, Magnetic vs Painted

Michael Magness IFixPianos at
Thu Mar 6 21:38:35 MST 2008

I agree with some of you about some of the magnetic signs I have seen,
the white background or glittery background makes you think of Fly by
Night Enterprises or a Carnival passing through.
I decided when I went looking for signs that I wouldn't be held
hostage to one vehicle, in other words have it painted on making that
a consideration when I was deciding whether to trade it off/pay the
money to fix it rather than moving on to a newer vehicle, etc.
So yes I opted for magnetic signs but only on my terms, first of all I
wanted size, the largest I could find locally was 12x24 and I was
limited to a white background. So I expanded my search to the internet
namely E-Bay where I found size, 18X24 and color background. Color was
offered by at least 2 companies and the larger signs with the colored
backgrounds and my choice of 2 more colors on the sign, I used one
color choice choosing my background color, were lower priced than any
of my local people. The sign you see on my truck in the pic attached
is one of 4 18X24 signs I bought for $90 for all four!
I have had calls from people that tell me they were following me in
traffic today and saw my sign, people stop me in parking lots and ask
for my card. I frequent a small cafe and have had people see my truck
outside and come in to get my card, I have also had other customers of
the cafe call the employees to get my number, having remembered seeing
my truck there. I've also had neighbors call customers while I was in
their homes to get my number or arrange an appointment.
On the weekend if I want to get away from being the
businessman/pianoguy I can take them off and stick them to the inside
of the garage door until Monday morning.
The lettering is vinyl placed on 30 mil thick sheet magnet material,
I've had no problem with fading, peeling, one cracked but I was trying
to take it off on a 0 degree evening and I wasn't being careful
enough. I have left them on through snow, sleet, salt spray and road
slush and even gone through the car wash with them on. I've only used
3 the 4th is a reserve if I lose or badly damage one. The price was
2fer $45 and I needed 3 so I bought 4!

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Life is like a ten speed bicycle. Most of us have gears we never use.
Charles M.Schulz

Michael Magness
Magness Piano Service
email mike at
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