FW: Coleman flashcell screwdriver

Greg Newell gnewell at ameritech.net
Thu Mar 6 10:21:17 MST 2008

Here is a (very timely) response I received. There are a few other websites
which give indication as to how long a single charge lasts. I seem to
remember it being around 70% of a Li-Ion (or was it NiCad) or something like
that. Since it's from Australia originally I wonder if Ron Overs knows who
the original is. I'd rather get that than something / anything made in
China. :-)

Greg Newell
Greg's Piano Forté
216-226-3791 (office)
216-470-8634 (mobile)

-----Original Message-----
From: info at colemanflashcellscrewdriver.com
[mailto:info at colemanflashcellscrewdriver.com] 
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 11:46 AM
To: Greg Newell
Subject: Re: Coleman flashcell screwdriver

Hello Greg,

Thanks for the email.  The product is designed in Australia be a company
named Demain (www.demain.com.au).  We work with a company that brought the
Flashcell technology into Canada/America and branded it Coleman. The
product is manufactured in China from the Australian designs.

The capacitors are very safe.  They have hundreds of thousands of
charge/recharge cycles. A typical battery has around 300 to 400
charge/recharge cycles.  On the stick model, the head does not pivot.. but
the duo model (which isn’t available yet does. That should be available
soon.  They are working with many other FlashCell tools and I will let you
know when the sale website is up.. we are working with them to build it

I think it is very practical for use
. Since the charge time in only 90
seconds.. you can work almost nonstop. I have many factories that put
things together order on a regular basis.. they find these much better
than the typical battery screwdrivers.

I hope this helps.


> What is the country of origin of manufacture for this product?
> How safe is it? Capacitors can be dangerous , no?
> Does the drive head pivot at all? i.e. straight, 45 degrees, 90 degrees
> Is there a driver in the works with 2 speeds instead of one?
> In your opinion, how practical a purchase is this for a piano technician
> who
> can and does drive 88 screws in a row or more?
> Greg Newell
> Greg's Piano Forté
> www.gregspianoforte.com
> 216-226-3791 (office)
> 216-470-8634 (mobile)

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