Car Signs

Steve Brooks smbrooks at
Wed Mar 5 17:26:28 MST 2008

Here are a couple of comparable cases that might interest y'all.

I had a heating and air conditioning client large enough to have more 
than a half million dollar advertising budget. We measured the response 
from radio and TV advertising, yellow pages, flyers and inserts, 
newspaper advertising, signs on his trucks (he had about 50) and 
referrals. The winner, by a good margin, was the advertising on the 
sides of his trucks. It was done very professionally and every new truck 
was painted before it was delivered. The trucks were white and always 
clean. If you measured response by new customers per dollar invested 
there was nothing even close.

I had another client for whom I created television commercials and 
special promotions. He owned the most successful French restaurant in 
his part of Southern California. As an experiment, he had the rear side 
windows of his Yukon lettered using vinyl as have many of you 
incorporating a new logo and branding scheme we had developed. He told 
me he was approached in parking lots frequently by people who were 
interested in, but had never tried, his restaurant. He had his wife's 
SUV done up the same way and made even more contacts. We sampled his 
customer list and estimated that he was adding about two new customers a 
week with the signs. Each new customer added about $120 / year to his 
net profit. If I recall, he paid about $350 each to have both cars done.

In both cases the artwork was first rate and the contact information was 
clear and easy to read. In my experience, this is a very effective way 
to advertise for many businesses. I don't think I would use the square 
magnetic door signs because, among other things, it sort of projects an 
image of low end or part time work. I think you'd get a lot more bang 
for your buck if you went with higher end professional design. Do be 
aware that some zealous police officer may question your rear view field 
of vision if you attach signs to window glass ...


"By a continuing process of INFLATION governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens." John Maynard Keynes

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