Buzz in an S&S D

A440A at A440A at
Mon Mar 3 10:17:41 MST 2008

<<  Pressing on the 
>>soundboard at one point does help alleviate it. >>

        Since this is a Steinway, there is another thing that may be 
considered.  You may have a partially driven through hitch pin that is touching the 
        I couldn't believe it, but last summer I was swinging a soundboard 
steel around under the plate of a 1984 B when it happened to hit something that 
shouldn't have been there.  I tried again and found that when the steel was 
just slightly off the board, it kept hitting something very solidly and metallic 
under the plate around C7.  I figured it would be a foreign object, but after 
about three bangs with the steel, I heard something go clink and roll around. 
 Gradually pushing it toward the back of the bridge, I finally saw that it 
was a hitch-pin, and when I got it out, I saw that the top of it had been 
drilled into. 
    All the years that piano was used, (and there had been a slight mention 
of a rattle during the summer months), this pin, which I am sure was broken off 
and then supposedly driven through, and been just barely in contact with the 
     Pressing on the board would have stopped this noise, too. 

Ed Foote RPT
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