piano cover cleaning

Annie Grieshop annie at allthingspiano.com
Sat Mar 1 15:54:02 MST 2008

Ah, the voice of experience... thanks, Mark!  Anything smaller than an
industrial, front-load machine would probably have (and cause) problems with
something that size.  But I hadn't even thought about wrinkling, which
certainly wouldn't be an issue with dry cleaning.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Mark Dierauf [mailto:pianotech at nhpianos.com]
  Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2008 4:10 PM
  To: Pianotech List
  Subject: Re: piano cover cleaning

  I tried washing one of these in my home machine once, with less than
stellar results. It came out pretty wrinkled and may have shrunk a little as
well - it's hard to say for sure as we were using this particular M&H A
cover on an S&S L. It certainly wasn't destroyed but I remember thinking
that if I needed one cleaned in the future I'd take it to a dry cleaner and
see what they said. Let us know how you come out.

  Mark Dierauf
  Concord, NH

  Annie Grieshop wrote:
    Good morning, y'all, and happy "Goodbye February!"  (The first of March,
here in Ioway, looks ickier than the last of February, but it's still the
first of March. <g>)

    A local community center has two grands with quilted cotton duck covers
that have been treated about as you'd expect -- so the covers are dirty and
a great upset to the Powers That Be.  Can they (the covers, that is) be
washed and dried in commercial machines, or do they need to be dry cleaned?
No one seems to know where the covers were purchased or from whom or
anything else.


    Annie Grieshop

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