Pitch raise 9and string breakage)

John Dorr a440 at bresnan.net
Sun Aug 17 20:49:04 MDT 2008

John Dorr wrote:
If I need to leave it open, unmuted, I try to tune it a bit sharp.  Not 
objectionably so, explaining (if they're nearby and interested) that it will 
move more INTO tune at first before moving more OUT of tune.

John Dorr, RPT
Helena, MT

__Mark responded:
Why not leave it objectionably sharp? It's probably better if it howls more at 
first and then then gradually becomes less objectionable than to have it get 
nastier and nastier as it goes flat!

- Mark Dierauf

John now responds:
I don't know why I don't leave it objectionably sharp... hmmm, maybe I will 
try that.  I guess I just hate to leave a tuning with something REALLY 
objectionable going on there.  I wonder if the customer would UNDERSTAND, 
really, why I'd leave it objectionably sharp.  Do YOU do that, Mark?  If so, 
how does that work for you?  I'd be interested in hearing about customers' 
reactions to that, really.

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