>>"If you want to know the truth, stop having opinions" Any statement dealing with the nature of truth is inherently religious. Though it may not be obvious at first glance, your tag line is thus heavily laden with philosophical and religious content. And that is fine with most everyone on the list- even though it borders on being the antithesis to the Christian view of truth. No problem though, you are certainly entitled to your religious opinion and tag line. But please do not pretend that it has no religious content. And please be tolerant of those who have a different religious opinion and tag line. Of course there are appropriate boundaries. I don't think anyone wants to see promotion of racial bigotry or child pornography, for example. But I hardly think an exhortation from the most popular work of literature in all of human history (understatement) should be construed in those categories. Dean Dean May cell 812.239.3359 PianoRebuilders.com 812.235.5272 Terre Haute IN 47802 paulrevenkojones at aol.com wrote: > John: > > My signature, which only baffled people, had no religious/political > content. I like a lot of the signatures I see here, but think there > are appropriate boundaries that should be observed. Don't you? I can > think of lots of tag lines that could be used according to your > formula; I'm sure you wouldn't want to see them. > > Regards, > > Paul -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
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