Veritcal hitchpins?

jimialeggio5 at jimialeggio5 at
Sun Oct 21 10:57:48 MDT 2007

>At tension. The loop height on the hitch determines the 
>bearing angle, which determines the bearing load on the 
>bridge, which determines the deflection of the soundboard, 
>which determines loop height to get the bearing you want, etc.

right...that's why I was trying to figure out an "at tension" adjustment.

>  3-The word is that the maximum height of the loop off plate seems to be 5mm.  
> Will the strings be pitch stable at that 5 mm height?.  
>  Jim I

>>Why wouldn't they be?
>>Ron N

The closer the loop is to the plate, the less the torsion on pin. However, not knowing the math on these things I am enquiring on your empirical experience. 

Jim I

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