
Rob & Helen Goodale rrg at
Fri Apr 27 21:27:14 MDT 2007

ShigeruTwo thumbs up... WAY up for the Shigeru concert grand, (AKA, the model EX).  It will run circles around most any concert piano out there.  Incredibly powerful, huge bass, and astoundingly fast and responsive action.  There is no way they can go wrong choosing this piano.  The EX would in fact be my first choice.  If you haven't had the opportunity to play/hear an EX, find one and treat yourself to a main course and desert all in the same box.

Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV
  I have a client who is head of the committee to purchase a piano for their new sanctuary, a very prominent church in Houston.  They are seriously interested in the Shigeru Kawai, 9-foot.    She has asked me what technicians have experienced about the piano. I know there aren't a great number of these, yet, in the Country, and certainly I would never have seen one, so would appreciate any enlightenment which could be offered from techs who have worked with them as well as played.    I can be emailed privately at l-bartlett at if comments on-the-list would present difficulties.  I'm a small fish in the huge pond of technicians and the farthest "in the water" I've been is to regulate her KG-6, and the fact that limited warranty work I've done for Kawai leaves me feeling they bend over very far to serve their customers.
  les bartlett 
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